Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Welcome to We Ate the Whole Enchilada

Welcome to my blog! I have always loved food. With this blog, I hope to be able to share some of my experiences with you as I try new recipes and improve on old ones.

As much as I've always loved good food, I have not always been great at cooking it. A few years ago, I decided that it was time to learn how to make so many of the foods I loved at home. I could scarcely have imagined how many things I would try in the following years, many with ingredients I never liked before.

One of the things I love most, though, is cooking for other people. As I have expanded my recipe book, many friends would ask where I came up ideas or where they could find recipes. From the beginning, I had a board on Pinterest called "Accomplished" and later "Accomplished- Food & Drinks" where I pinned all the recipes I had tried to any degree of success. This worked great for awhile; it kept me reasonably organized. But eventually this platform failed in terms of describing changes to recipes, any tips I had, etc. So, after some gentle encouragement, I decided to start this blog!

I really struggled with choosing a name; it felt so final. I finally settled on "We Ate the Whole Enchilada", though, for a few reasons. First, I love enchiladas, plain and simple. They are delicious. Second, I love cooking for friends, and there is no greater compliment to something I cook than to see people eat all the food or "the whole enchilada". 

I will be slowly adding many of the recipes I have already tried, as well as new ones I am trying on a weekly basis! Let me know if anyone has any questions, requests, etc. Thanks for stopping by!

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